If you are already working with a college counselor, be sure your account is linked with theirs.
Working with your school counselor and/or college & career specialist? You can invite them to create a free Corsava for Counselors account.
Interested in working with a counselor, but haven’t connected with one yet? Here are resources to help you locate a counselor who can help:
College Access and Success Programs: Search for programs in your area or for those who work remotely.
ScholarMatch and CollegePoint both offer free college advising for qualified students
Locate an independent counselor who can help you. These are usually paid consultants who can offer a package or work hourly, but some may offer pro bono services as well:
Complete your Corsava Card Sort. Once you fully understand your preferences, you are ready to find a college that best suits your wants and needs. Refer back to your Corsava Report often as you consider your options.
Currently, college recommendations are only available in Corsava for Counselors accounts. If you are already working with a college counselor, be sure your account is linked with theirs. Once your account is linked to your counselor’s, they can access college recommendations based on your card sort.
There are lots of resources out there to help students build lists. Here are a couple of our favorites:
The College Essay Guy’s step-by-step guide “How to Choose a College” is just about the best resource out there for helping you build a list of colleges that aligns well with what matters most to you.
CollegeXpress is a great source for searching for both colleges and scholarships. Check out their college lists and rankings, including lists you may not have considered, like “S...p...r...e...a...d Out: College with the Most Acreage” or “Colleges Most Like Hogwarts”
For more list building tools, check out Your College List on our Resources page
Use your Must Have and Would Be Nice cards, as well as your No Ways, to guide your research. Knowing what is important to you will help you narrow down your options. Check out Magellan College Counseling’s video: Researching College Websites for tips to improve your research strategies.
Don’t be afraid to change your mind. Had your heart set on Monsters University for ages? Just realized you are not a monster (and it’s not a real college)? Great! That frees you up to consider colleges that will provide the educational and social experiences you are looking for.
Many of the resources you used to build your list will continue to be beneficial as you dig deeper to get a better sense of the student experience.
For more research tools, check out Refining Your College List on our Resources page.
As you research the colleges on your list, track your impressions in your Corsava account. Rating your Must Have and Would Be Nice cards for each school on your list allows Corsava to provide each school with an overall score, resulting in a rank-ordered list for you. You can also keep notes about specific characteristics at each school here.
Once you’ve refined your list to include only the schools you plan to apply to, circle back through your impressions of each. Reflect on what resonated most for you at each school and use those points to drive your essay writing and interview prep.
For more tips on using your impressions to support your application process, see Making Your Impressions Count on our Resources page.
Self-Survey for the College Bound - an 80-question survey to promote self-awareness as you begin the college search process.
Do What You Are - a personality type assessment tool designed to help you understand yourself better and make informed decisions about your future, in particular college majors and careers suited to your personality.
YouScience - an online assessment tool measuring your innate aptitudes and pairing those with your interests in order to provide a comprehensive report.