College Lists

Fall Kickoff

Fall Kickoff

There is something about September. To me, it outshines New Year’s when it comes to new beginnings and fresh starts. Here in Seattle, our fire-impacted brown August skies have returned to crisp blue, kids are excited to get back to school, and parents are ready for some more structure in their lives. Maybe it’s memories of back-to-school excitement, blank notebooks, new books, and enthusiastic teachers that translate into more grown-up inspiration. September just exudes that “get into high gear” mode as I consider new possibilities and innovative ways to approach my work.

College Exploration and Campus Tours 2.0

College Exploration and Campus Tours 2.0

How many times have your students tried to articulate the differences they perceive between colleges, while coming up short on details? They might say that some schools just stood out, others are off the list for some vague reason, and still more are left in that wasteland in between. Our latest release includes an innovative tool that allows students to hone in on the cards that matter most to them and organize their impressions about those items for each college on their list.