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Counselors Share Their Stories–Part II

Counselors Share Their Stories–Part II

The counselor stories below, following on the heels of my previous Stories blog, have a common theme running through them–the power of personal connection. As life continues to speed up, f2f (as our team of developers likes to say) communication still has a valuable and powerful role in all of our lives, particularly those entering adulthood who have never experienced life without a smartphone.

Fall Kickoff

Fall Kickoff

There is something about September. To me, it outshines New Year’s when it comes to new beginnings and fresh starts. Here in Seattle, our fire-impacted brown August skies have returned to crisp blue, kids are excited to get back to school, and parents are ready for some more structure in their lives. Maybe it’s memories of back-to-school excitement, blank notebooks, new books, and enthusiastic teachers that translate into more grown-up inspiration. September just exudes that “get into high gear” mode as I consider new possibilities and innovative ways to approach my work.

Cool Summer Upgrades

Cool Summer Upgrades

As we get ready to launch new features in the coming weeks, I can’t help but think back to my original intent in creating Corsava. My goal has always been to help students everywhere think in new and impactful ways as they consider their options after high school. I never want to lose sight of the fact that as counselors we are here for students—to help them discover what is important to them as they consider their options, and balance this with the other facets of the process that will play a part in their final decision.