Corsava Reports

Counselors Share Their Stories--Part III

Counselors Share Their Stories--Part III

The checker took the last few items out of my cart and pushed them towards the bagger, who carefully placed them in my bags and asked me if I wanted him to take my groceries to my car. Our local grocery store is one of the few remaining that offers that personal touch, and I always enjoy the time walking out to the car chatting with the high school students they hire. I was getting ready to ask my usual “where do you go to high school and how do you like it” question when the young man preempted me and asked what I had on tap for the rest of the day.

Counselors Share Their Stories–Part I

Counselors Share Their Stories–Part I

As we approach the end of 2018, reflection comes naturally as we think about all that the past year has brought. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a break from the hectic life of college admissions and all the accompanying stress it brings to our families. While our students race towards the finish line, we can take a breather as we reflect on how we supported our students in their goals, how we can make it even better, or in many cases, how we can avoid the subject entirely!

Fall Kickoff

Fall Kickoff

There is something about September. To me, it outshines New Year’s when it comes to new beginnings and fresh starts. Here in Seattle, our fire-impacted brown August skies have returned to crisp blue, kids are excited to get back to school, and parents are ready for some more structure in their lives. Maybe it’s memories of back-to-school excitement, blank notebooks, new books, and enthusiastic teachers that translate into more grown-up inspiration. September just exudes that “get into high gear” mode as I consider new possibilities and innovative ways to approach my work.